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3 Reasons to Buy Milwaukee Tools Vs...

3 Reasons to Buy Milwaukee Tools Vs...

National Day is here and its time to see RED. Well, not literally. We mean with Milwaukee Tools.

Many customers ask us why we pick Milwaukee Tools over other more inexpensive brands - including those that appear to have higher voltage batteries. Here are 3 reasons why we work with Milwaukee Tools


1) Performance

We did some benchmarking of performance with Milwaukee Tools across several categories and here's how they performed :

  • Impact Wrenches
    • When testing the high torque 1/2" impact wrench, we found it delivered more consistent torquing across the nut without stressing out the battery or motor. 
  • Drills and Drivers
    • We took at 89mm piece of wood to drill through with standard bits. It was a good result and we were satisfied. Thicker bits had no problem being driven through
  • Outdoor Equipment
    • Runtime. Seriously, you dont want to be going back to a charging station every 15 minutes. 

We decided to take apart the tools for further inspection - here are some of our observations. Milwaukee motors tend to be significantly larger (and more powerful) than the competition. Not just in terms of size, but also in torque output. 


2) Service & Warranty

At 2 years warranty - these tools have a much lower cost of ownership compared to the competition. This means better service life and more productivity on the job site.

3) Innovation

Power Tools is extremely competitive. Innovating in batteries and motors is quite critical. Milwaukee develops and improves its batteries and motors in house. With varied components that need improvement.

Milwaukee is the market leader of batteries and continually optimizes for safety, durability and effectiveness. From the lithium cells, connectors and the integrated chip that is used: Testing some of the batteries in harsh environments and continuous use - that really allows your tool to work anytime and under any condition.


If you need to test the tools or have a recommendation - drop us a line or come to our shop!

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